Sunday, March 1, 2009

Uncle Brad and Aunt Sonja from OK!

Aunt Sonja and Uncle Brad loved playing in Daddy's studio.
I think Sonja is a natural.

Mommy and I love listening to the chaos!


Kathleen Voight said...

Brad has changed so very much since the last time I saw him, that would be his wedding! haha

I am so very happy Brad and Sonja were able to visit Shannon, Brian, and Broderick. What a great picture of Brad, Sonja and Shan.

I just simply love the picture of Brad and Shannon and can remember the times they talked together at the motel we were staying at when Sonja and Brad got married.

I just simply love the picture of Shannon and Broderick, with all the noise going on elsewhere in the house. haha

Love you all, and miss you, Aunt Kath

Becky said...

Having a loud, musical house is fun, isn't it Shannon??